Were you or a loved one a victim of sexual abuse from the Jehovah’s Witness community?
You may be entitled to significant financial compensation.
Laws have either passed or are under consideration to extend the statute of limitations, allowing more time for survivors of abuse to seek justice.
Lasting Effects of Sexual Abuse
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Self-Blame / Guilt
- Denial
- Sexual/Relationship Problems
- Eating Disorders
- Somatic Concerns
- Dissociative Patterns
- Repression
We Stand Up For
Victims of Sexual Abuse
Sign up for a Confidential Case Review to find out if you’re eligible for financial compensation.
By clicking the “SEE IF I QUALIFY” button above, you agree that you will be contacted by telephone, email SMS/Text Message (Data Rates May Apply), even if you are on a federal or state Do Not Call registry, to confirm the accuracy of the information you submit and verify if you qualify.
Shrouded in Secrecy

How has this much-alleged child sex assault continued for so long among the Jehovah’s Witnesses church elders with so little accountability?
Much of it has to do with the beliefs of its membership. People outside the church are unredeemed and, therefore, distrusted.
As law enforcement and the judicial system are considered “secular,” the church prefers to deal with offenses internally.
But aside from going contrary to the law, known predators have been allowed to continue ministry even after serving jail time and thousands are known to exist in the church. One must question how much internal accountability is taking place?
The secrecy extends even to congregants, many of whom are reportedly never informed when a church elder is facing allegations of assault of a child.
As a result, parents are frequently completely unaware that they are entrusting their children to the care of alleged predators.
Legal Options for Victims

Sexual abuse if a terrible crime, which can cause lasting pain and suffering. We realize it is very difficult for you to share your story of abuse with anyone. Our experts understand the sensitivity and confidentiality required to have such conversations. We are here to help provide answers.
In 2020 a jury in Montana ordered the Jehovah’s Witnesses to pay $35 million to a victim for ordering the local clergy not to report her child abuse claims she had endured years before to the proper authorities.
Church abuse victims still face challenges when seeking justice or getting compensation. Some have conflicts within their faith that tells them to distrust the authorities or to keep the discipline within the Jehovah’s church itself.
Victims cannot be vindicated or compensated if they do not come forward, whether filing criminal or civil charges.

Attorneys provide a safe, confidential environment to discuss what happened recently or long ago. They use the law to ensure sexual predator and their religious leaders are held accountable.
Taking action can stop the unacceptable behavior so others are not also hurt.
There are many benefits to using a lawyer in a sexual abuse case, including:
- A lawyer can help you file a compensation claim.
- Filing a claim can help you recover damages for the abuse that you suffered.
- Second, a lawyer can help you negotiate with the insurance company.
- Insurance companies are often willing to offer a settlement if they know that the victim is represented by a lawyer.
- Third, a lawyer can help you take your case to court.
- A lawyer can represent you in court and fight for the damages that you deserve.
Helpful links to guide you along your journey.
We Can Help
Our network of attorneys have been helping individuals, like you, for years.
Do I Have A Case
If you or a loved one have suffered from a sexual assault from a member of the Jehovah’s Witness Community, you may be entitled to financial compensation.
Experienced Attorneys
Our team of experts has extensive experience fighting to hold Jehovah’s Witness Community accountable.
Act Now
Contact us right away to set up a free, confidential and no-obligation case review. We’re ready to fight for you.
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